Your bill statements are generated once a month and are sent out directly from Columbia County Utilities. Your bill should be paid in full by the 11th of each month. Payments made/dropped off after the 20th of each month are considered delinquent and will acquire a $25.00 late fee.
Accounts that do not pay by the 20th of each month are considered late and are due for interruption. The delinquent balance must be paid in full. There will be a reconnection fee of $50.00 that will appear on your next bill if the service was interrupted due to non-payment.
All Columbia County Utilities invoices can be paid using our Nexbillpay link located on the Home page of this website. You can also make payments over the phone using the updated Nexbillpay number for the Fort White Residents' Columbia County Utility Service at (855) 346-2291. Payments can be made directly by contacting Ellen Snyder at (386) 758-1005.
Payments can be dropped off at the Columbia County drop box located to the right of the front door at Town Hall directly across from the Sheriff Station/Tax Collector's Office. These payments will be collected on Monday and Thursday each week.
For all billing information and adjustments contact Ellen Snyder at (386) 758-1005 or email at Esnyder [at] ()